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What Do You Need to Be Successful?

Success is a word that carries infinite meanings, shaped by personal experiences, societal expectations, and individual aspirations. But have you ever stopped asking yourself what success truly means to you? Let’s dive deep into the multi-dimensional layers of success, exploring how it can be defined and the steps to achieve it in your own life.

Defining Success: A Universal Perspective

At its core, success is about achieving goals that align with your personal values, passions, and aspirations. Universally, success could be summed up as:

“The achievement of a desired goal, accompanied by a sense of fulfilment, purpose, and happiness.”

But here’s the catch—success isn’t one-size-fits-all. It means different things to different people. For some, success is climbing the corporate ladder; for others, it’s creating art, building meaningful relationships, or living a life of passion and purpose.

Let’s break down some of the key parameters that shape our views of success:

Personal Experience: The Heart of Success

Your journey to success is uniquely yours. Your experiences shape your path, building resilience and teaching you valuable lessons. You learn what you’re passionate about, what motivates you, and where your strengths lie. Sometimes, failure becomes your best teacher, nudging you toward self-discovery and personal growth.

Action Step: Reflect on key moments in your life. What experiences have shaped your idea of success? Take these lessons and use them to guide your future decisions.

Family and Social Expectations: Balancing Acts

We often grow up with family and societal expectations pushing us in certain directions—perhaps the expectation to pursue a “safe” career, earn a certain amount of money, or live up to a particular social standard. While these expectations can provide structure, they can also create pressure.

Action Step: Identify the expectations that serve you and those that don’t. Make conscious decisions that align with your authentic self, even if it means redefining “success” on your own terms.

Benchmarks and Comparisons: Friend or Foe?

Success is often measured by benchmarks—comparing ourselves to others in our careers, finances, or personal achievements. While benchmarks can serve as motivation, they can also trap us in comparison cycles, leaving us feeling inadequate.

Action Step: Set benchmarks for yourself based on your own values and ambitions rather than comparing yourself to others. Remember: someone else’s success doesn’t diminish your own.

Money: The Double-Edged Sword

For many, financial stability is a major marker of success. After all, money opens doors to opportunities and provides security. However, pursuing money alone can sometimes leave you feeling empty if it’s not aligned with your passions or purpose.

Action Step: Clarify your financial goals but balance them with your personal aspirations. Ask yourself: How does money fit into my larger vision of a successful life?

Passion: Fuelling Your Drive

Passion is one of the most powerful drivers of success. When you pursue something you’re passionate about, work doesn’t feel like “work”—it becomes a part of who you are, feeding your creativity and excitement.

Action Step: Take time to uncover what truly excites you. What could you spend hours doing without feeling drained? Build your path to success around your passion.

Fame: Visibility vs. Value

In today’s social media-driven world, fame can sometimes be equated with success. But being “known” isn’t the same as being fulfilled. Fame can bring recognition, but it’s important to remember that true success comes from within, not external valid

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