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Leadership: a role or a trait?

Leadership can be classified as both a formal position within an organisational structure and an inherent personal characteristic. However, it is crucial to discern and differentiate between these two distinct aspects.

1. Leadership as a Formal job: Within numerous organisations and contexts, leadership is commonly perceived as a structured job or role. These occupations encompass roles such as Chief Executive Officer (CEO), manager, team leader, or department head. In these instances, leadership is delineated by the duties and jurisdiction linked to the role. Individuals occupying positions of leadership are commonly held to the expectation of offering guidance, exercising decision-making authority, and steering their teams or organisations towards predetermined objectives.


2. Leadership as an Innate Attribute: Leadership may also be conceptualised as a collection of inherent human qualities and attributes that individuals inherently possess. These characteristics may encompass attributes such as integrity, decisiveness, empathy, effective communication abilities, and the capacity to inspire and motivate individuals. Within this particular framework, the concept of leadership is not contingent upon a designated role or position. Instead, it pertains to an individual’s capacity to exert influence and effectively guide others, irrespective of their official title or position.


In actuality, the efficacy of leadership frequently arises from the amalgamation of both positional and trait-based elements. The effectiveness of an individual’s leadership is contingent upon their personal attributes and competencies, despite their occupation of a leadership role. Furthermore, persons with notable leadership qualities may be acknowledged and appointed to leadership roles due to their inherent capacity for effective leadership.


Additionally, it is important to acknowledge that leadership extends beyond official duties or positions. Individuals have the capacity to exhibit leadership qualities in diverse domains of their existence, encompassing familial, communal, and societal spheres, irrespective of their lack of an official leadership role. Leadership, as conceptualised here, pertains to the act of proactively assuming responsibility and exerting a constructive impact on individuals with the aim of collectively attaining shared objectives or resolving challenges.



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